April/May 2023 (vol. 19/6)
NewsResearch DigestResearch PlusCPD
Special Report: OH report writing – pro forma or freestyle?
OH professionals’ use of pro forma templates or narrative reports
Our latest Tea-breaker poll explores the use of pro forma templates in OH report writing. Do practitioners use pro formas or narrative reports? And which style works best?
Our March 2023 Tea-breaker poll asked OH professionals to state if they used pro forma forms/templates when completing OH reports for employers, rather than writing free-from or narrative reports. It also asked whether pro forma forms/templates helped or hindered practitioners when producing effective OH reports for employers.
The online survey was conducted between 23 February and 6 March 2023. Questionnaire links were included in The At Work Partnership’s monthly email newsletter and posted on its social media. Respondents were asked to state whether they used pro forma forms/templates when completing OH reports for employers and were given the options: ‘Yes, all of the time’; ‘Yes, some of the time’; and ‘No, never’. They were asked to state whether, when writing an effective OH report, they found pro forma forms/templates: ‘helpful’; ‘neither helpful nor unhelpful’; or ‘unhelpful’…
John Ballard, editor
Author: Ballard J
Occupational Health at Work April/May 2023 (vol. 19/6) pp15-18