October/November 2020 (vol. 17/3)
NewsResearch DigestResearch PlusCPD
Personal Learning Zone in this issue
This issue of Occupational Health [at Work] features a Personal Learning Zone (PLZ) article recommended for continuing professional development (CPD). The assignment questions, ‘Personal learning statement’ and ‘Certificate of engagement’ are available to subscribers at here. These will also be stored in your password-protected PLZ. The PLZ will help you document your own CPD. Occupational health physicians and nurses, occupational hygienists and other professionals can use the resource in support of their specialism’s revalidation or CPD requirements
Pages 30–35. Adding value. In the past, OH was largely concerned with preventing work-related ill health and rehabilitating individuals back to fully productive work. But increasingly, employers are recognising the importance of promoting and maintaining general health and wellbeing, in areas such as job quality, social relationships at work and health promotion. OH professionals should understand the evidence base – including its strengths and weaknesses – and how to build the business case for investment in workplace wellbeing programmes.
The following articles, news and research items are suggested reading for CPD and professional revalidation. Subscribers can complete their online Personal Learning Zone CPD record at here.
Page 9. The HSE has updated its guidance on health surveillance in light of COVID-19, advising that face-to-face assessments can resume following appropriate risk assessment and implementation of suitable control measures.
Page 10. OH should reassure staff and employers that wearing a face covering is no impediment to the vast majority of people with asthma.
Pages 16–21. Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) healthcare workers are more likely than their white colleagues to die from COVID-19. Although the reasons for this are not yet fully understood, it is incumbent on OH professionals to ensure that BAME workers can work safely during the pandemic.
Pages 22–29. COVID-19 has reminded everyone of the risks to businesses and workers of community-acquired communicable diseases. OH professionals can support employers and employees by communicating the benefits of immunisation, the symptoms of communicable disease and the risks of infecting others.
Pages 40–42. Our compendium of recent research in occupational health includes: a systematic review of psychological interventions to support emergency responders exposed to emotionally traumatic events; the prevalence of burnout among occupational physicians; and the association between occupational noise exposure and metabolic syndrome.
Author: The At Work Partnership Ltd
Occupational Health at Work October/November 2020 (vol. 17/3) pp43