October/November 2017 (vol. 14/3)
NewsResearch DigestResearch PlusCPD
Personal Learning Zone in this issue
This issue of Occupational Health [at Work] features a Personal Learning Zone (PLZ) article recommended for continuing professional development (CPD). The assignment questions, ‘personal learning statement’ and ‘Certificate of engagement’ are available to subscribers at AWPcpd. . These will also be stored in your password-protected PLZ. The PLZ will help you document your own CPD. Occupational health physicians and nurses, occupational hygienists and other professionals can use the resource in support of their specialism’s revalidation or CPD requirements.
Pages 17–20. Problem gambling in the workplace. Problem gambling in the UK has reached unprecedented levels, with negative consequences for the individual, their families, employers and society. The signs are often hard to detect, but indicative behaviours can include the individual researching ways to obtain money, such as online loans, disappearing from the workstation for prolonged periods, and frequent checking of match or race results. Problem gambling can affect productivity, health and, in the worst cases, lead to dishonesty and theft or fraud at work.
The following articles, news and research items are suggested reading for CPD and professional revalidation. Subscribers can complete their online Personal Learning Zone CPD record at AWPcpd.
Page 3. An Employment Appeal Tribunal decision highlights the need for employers to consider carefully the implementation of drug and alcohol policies, especially if they include provision for drug testing. ‘With-cause’ testing should only be done if there are genuine grounds for conducting a test.
Page 6-7. The Equality Act 2010 protects people if they have undergone, are undergoing, or are proposing to undergo gender reassignment; but it does not protect people who have ‘non-binary’ and intersex identities (ie those who do not identify with the man/woman approach to gender). Policies and practice should ensure that all transgender people are supported at work.
Pages 25-30. Understanding the impact of ageing on work ability will help OH professionals provide support to employees of all ages. For the most part, ageing has minimal impact on job performance and safety, though older workers are more likely to have long-term health conditions, which may lead some to exit the workforce early.
Pages 38–42 Our compendium of research reviews includes a trial on graded exercise therapy for people with chronic fatigue syndrome, but delivered as a self-help programme alongside specialist medical care. Other papers include research on the impact of so-called passive leadership styles on employee health, and a systematic review demonstrating shared obstacles to, and facilitators of, return to work from absence due to common health conditions.
Author: The At Work Partnership Ltd
Occupational Health at Work October/November 2017 (vol. 14/3) pp43