Vicarious liability for non-employees The Supreme Court decision in Various Claimants v Barclays (when is an employer vicariously liability for acts of an OH practitioner?) has b...
Morrisons held not liable for malicious disclosure of data by employee The Supreme Court has reversed lower court decisions which had found Morrisons liable. The decision is important generally on how far employ...
Vicarious liability in negligence claims Summary An employer is vicariously liable for the acts of an employee where those acts are ‘sufficiently closely connected’ to h...
Employer not vicariously liable for doctor conducting health check The Supreme Court has overturned a decision that a bank was vicariously liable to claimants suing in respect of alleged sexual assaults by ...
Vicarious liability of employer for assault at social event The Court of Appeal held an employer liable for an assault by its managing director at impromptu drinks following a company Christmas party....
Indemnity for OH professionals Indemnity for OH professionals All registered healthcare professionals in the UK must have an insurance or indemnity arrangement in place in...
OH practitioner liability under EqA Summary This page looks at how far OH practitioners may be personally liable under the Equality Act 2010 (EqA), where there is a breach of t...
Vicarious liability for independent contractors providing OH Diana Kloss looks at implications of a Court of Appeal decision holding an employer, Barclays Bank, liable for actions of a GP providing pre...
Who is liable under the EqA? Summary Employers are liable under the Equality Act 2010 (EqA) for acts of employees or agents, subject to some limitations. Employees and a...
Archive: Data Protection Act 1998 This part of the website preserves our web pages on data protection as the law applied before 25th May 2018. There are new pages on the GDPR...