Avoiding OH report being only to named manager It is suggested that consent obtained by OH to disclose a report should not allow it to disclose only to an individual named manager. Some O...
Consent for OH reports Summary Consent is needed for an occupational health practitioner to disclose information. Consent should be in writing, or at least recorde...
OH reporting on whether disabled Summary Whether an employee is disabled within the Equality Act is not a medical issue but a legal one. It is a matter for the judgment of t...
Tribunals: Preparing the OH report Introduction As discussed on Tribunals: The role of OH, when giving evidence of fact, identifying the issues and preparing a statement for y...
Tribunals: The role of OH Introduction Medico-legal work can be an interesting, valuable and even remunerative adjunct to your day-to-day practice. Even if you choose...
Good practice guide: Confidentiality and consent on a management referral Good practice guides are meant as general guidance for practitioners to help them comply with the law and good practice, rather than explain...
Conflict of OH with other medical opinion Where the OH view conflicts with that of other medical practitioners, is the employer entitled to rely on the OH view? Summary Where the que...
Report for judicial proceedings The Court of Appeal has indicated that a claimant could not veto disclosure of a report where he (and his lawyers) had consented to him bein...
Medical evidence to prove disability under the EqA Summary It is for the employment tribunal (rather than medical experts) to decide whether the claimant has a disability as defined in the Eq...