Ill health dismissal and the EqA Summary It can sometimes be lawful under the Equality Act to dismiss a disabled person who is unable to do the job. However, an employer sho...
Provision of services, and public functions Introduction This website deals mainly with the employment provisions of the Equality Act 2010 (EqA). However, the EqA is much broader than ...
Pay protection – reasonable adjustments The EAT rejected a claim that it would have been a reasonable adjustment for a teacher to continue on the same salary long-term, after she b...
Attendance management and Equality Act Sickness absence procedures are subject to the reasonable adjustment duty, as recently confirmed by the Court of Appeal. However other types...
Adjustments: What is reasonable? Summary This page considers factors relevant to whether a proposed adjustment is reasonable. Below Factors. Reasonableness is ultimately a m...
Face coverings for staff New section on face coverings for staff, as regards new rules from 24th September. From 24th September, broadly retail, leisure and hospital...
Recommendation where worker alleged to have been bullied The tribunal could make a recommendation that the employer undertake not to have the claimant work with particular colleagues in future, bac...
Is a one-off decision subject to the reasonable adjustment duty? The Court of Appeal held that a one-off decision can sometimes be a ‘provision, criteron or practice’ (PCP) subject to the reaso...
Reasonable adjustments: detailed rules Summary There is a separate page on What is ‘reasonable’. In general there is no duty of positive discrimination, but an excepti...
Constructive knowledge of a disability Diana Kloss discusses the decision in Q v L, a claim for reasonable adjustments. Confidential knowledge of OH was not attributed to the empl...