Action against pre-employment health questionnaire The Equality and Human Rights Commission took action in respect of unlawful enquiries by a care agency. The care agency’s job application as...
Lying at pre-employment A controversial subject concerns what should happen to an employee who is found to have lied about, or withheld health information requested...
OH practitioner liability under EqA Summary This page looks at how far OH practitioners may be personally liable under the Equality Act 2010 (EqA), where there is a breach of t...
Pressure to breach OH legal/ethical obligations The issue In practical terms, the problems often facing OH practitioners tend to arise from requirements imposed by the employer that confli...
Pre-employment questionnaires: confidentiality and consent Summary OH professionals will be aware of the need to preserve confidentiality. In the light of data protection law guidance, health questio...
Pre-employment: Equality Act Summary Job descriptions or person specifications should avoid unnecessary requirements, particularly those which may prejudice those with a...
S.60 EqA: Coping with mental pressure Summary S.60 EqA limits the health questions that can be asked pre-employment. However, one ‘permitted purpose’ for health questions, even b...
OH practitioner’s duty of care in civil law Summary Civil liability for negligence is discussed generally on the Personal injury page, the present page focuses mainly on the OH practit...