EqA: Employees and others covered by the employment provisions Summary EqA protection extends beyond ‘employees’ to cover many individuals who are self-employed, including OH providers. The courts have s...
Personal injury: Traumatic shock Key points: This page deals with personal injury claims for psychiatric injury through having been involved in or witnessed an accident. Occ...
Provision of services, and public functions Introduction This website deals mainly with the employment provisions of the Equality Act 2010 (EqA). However, the EqA is much broader than ...
Sources of law ‘Common law’ is law created by judges when giving decisions on actual disputes. The doctrine of precedent states that the decisi...
Attendance management and Equality Act Sickness absence procedures are subject to the reasonable adjustment duty, as recently confirmed by the Court of Appeal. However other types...
Rights of workers and employees: introduction This page outlines firstly the three basic types of employment status, ‘employee’, ‘worker’ or ‘genuinely self-employed’. It then looks at t...
‘Unfavourable treatment’ under s.15 EqA on police voluntary redundancy The Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) upheld a decision that a cap on a payment for voluntary redundancy was unfavourable treatment within s....
Discrimination based on fear of future disability Diana Kloss looks at discrimination based on a fear that a job applicant may develop a disability in the future, in the light of the EAT dec...
Tribunal claim against dismissal by police misconduct tribunal The Supreme Court has held an employment tribunal has jurisdiction to consider a dismissal by a police misconduct tribunal. The claimant had...
Fixed retirement ages for health and safety, and maximum recruitment ages Summary Compulsory retirement age Normally a compulsory retirement age is unlawful as direct age discrimination unless it can be justified b...