Personal injury: Traumatic shock Key points: This page deals with personal injury claims for psychiatric injury through having been involved in or witnessed an accident. Occ...
Traumatic shock due to death from clinical negligence The Court of Appeal has held that no claim can be brought in respect of psychiatric injury caused by a separate horrific event removed in ti...
Vicarious liability for non-employees The Supreme Court decision in Various Claimants v Barclays (when is an employer vicariously liability for acts of an OH practitioner?) has b...
Vicarious liability in negligence claims Summary An employer is vicariously liable for the acts of an employee where those acts are ‘sufficiently closely connected’ to h...
Employer not vicariously liable for doctor conducting health check The Supreme Court has overturned a decision that a bank was vicariously liable to claimants suing in respect of alleged sexual assaults by ...
Personal injury claims and needlestick injuries Summary This page deals with civil claims for damages in respect of needlestick injuries. For criminal liability under the Health and Safety...
Royal Opera House held liable for hearing damage due to noise ROH was held liable for damages to a viola player, based on a breach of the Noise Regulations before October 2013. Before October 2013 a bre...
Health surveillance: Screening to protect the employee Summary There are a number of statutory regulations that impose an obligation on the employer to undertake regular screening or health surve...
Indemnity for OH professionals Indemnity for OH professionals All registered healthcare professionals in the UK must have an insurance or indemnity arrangement in place in...
Vicarious liability for independent contractors providing OH Diana Kloss looks at implications of a Court of Appeal decision holding an employer, Barclays Bank, liable for actions of a GP providing pre...