Race and religion or belief Summary Race and religion have been combined on this page because they tend to be less important in an occupational health (OH) setting than...
Sex discrimination Summary Direct discrimination is unlawful even if the employer it trying to be ‘chivalrous’. However in limited cases positive discriminatio...
Bloodborne viruses Workers may have a bloodborne infection such as HIV, hepatitis C or hepatitis B. They are also at risk of contracting one in the workplace d...
Notification of infectious diseases (NOIDS) Requirement to disclose Doctors are required to report listed notifiable diseases. It is a criminal offence not to do so. This means that un...
Revalidation Summary Doctors (below) must revalidate every five years. The FOM provides a Responsible Officer service to members who cannot contact an RO...
Fixed retirement ages for health and safety, and maximum recruitment ages Summary Compulsory retirement age Normally a compulsory retirement age is unlawful as direct age discrimination unless it can be justified b...
Nurses’ revalidation The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) has formally ratified its revalidation procedure for nurses and midwives and published its official ...