EqA: Employees and others covered by the employment provisions Summary EqA protection extends beyond ‘employees’ to cover many individuals who are self-employed, including OH providers. The courts have s...
Indirect discrimination Indirect discrimination extends protection beyond the ‘formal’ equality of treatment tackled by direct discrimination. It can apply where an...
Substantial adverse effect Summary One requirement in order for there to be a ‘disability’ within the EqA is that the impairment has a ‘substantial adverse effect’ on ...
Test on recruitment: failure to make adjustment for Asperger’s A job applicant with Asperger’s Syndrome did not pass a situational strengths test and so was not put through to the next stage, a Sky...
Examples of reasonable adjustments In the Code of Practice The former Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA) incorporated a non-exhaustive list of possible adjustments in th...
Selection tests Diana Kloss reviews a decision that the way an employer conducted a psychometric test as part of its recruitment process was unlawful disabi...
Supreme Court decision on indirect discrimination In Essop, the Supreme Court restored what was previously understood to be the law on indirect discrimination. The claimant need not establis...
Disability: ‘Normal day-to-day activities’ Summary For there to be a disability, the impairment must normally have a substantial, long-term adverse effect on ability to carry out ‘nor...