Avoiding OH report being only to named manager It is suggested that consent obtained by OH to disclose a report should not allow it to disclose only to an individual named manager. Some O...
Consent for OH reports Summary Consent is needed for an occupational health practitioner to disclose information. Consent should be in writing, or at least recorde...
Covid 19: testing and notification Diana Kloss discusses patient consent for Covid 19 tests and for reporting results to the employer, and requirements to report it to public ...
Disability: Is the employer treated as knowing what OH knows? The health professions are subject to ethical and legal rules on confidentiality. Does an employer have a defence to a claim for reasonable ...
Harassment in the EqA Summary This page deals with harassment under s.26(1) Equality Act 2010, which applies to most protected characteristics. Two other types o...
Whether management deemed to know confidential OH information On a claim for reasonable adjustments, confidential knowledge of OH was not attributed to the employer, but the employer’s ‘lack...
Notification of infectious diseases (NOIDS) Requirement to disclose Doctors are required to report listed notifiable diseases. It is a criminal offence not to do so. This means that un...
Seeking information from a GP or other doctor Summary From a data protection point of view, OH should only ask the GP or specialist for information that is necessary. Workers should not ...
Statutory health surveillance: new ethics guidance Diana Kloss looks at new FOM ethics guidance on how far OH requires consent to report following statutory health surveillance. Regulations m...
FOM ethics guidance 2018 This new ‘Ethics Guidance for Occupational Health Practice’ from the Faculty of Occupational Medicine was published in December. Changes fro...