RIDDOR RIDDOR requires employers and others to report specified diseases and incidents to the HSE. The rules were simplified somewhat in 2013. Unli...
Disability: The definition The definition, and deciding whether it is met ‘Disability’ is defined in s.6 EqA as follows: There is supplementary detail on the definitio...
Non-invasive cancer covered by EqA The EAT has held that an in situ cancer was automatically a disability within the Equality Act 2010. Cancer is automatically a disability by...
Only partial damages for asbestos-related lung cancer Employers contributing asbestos fibres were held liable, but not jointly and severally for the whole amount of damages since the Compensatio...
Asbestos-related disease, including mesothelioma: compensation Summary This page draws together some material on asbestos-related disease, including mesothelioma. Firstly as regards personal injury claim...