What the experts say
A panel of experts assembled for this special 100th edition of Occupational Health [at Work] discuss the outlook for occupational health over the next 10 years..
Issue one of Occupational Health [at Work] was published in June/July 2004. In the sixteen years since we’ve seen huge changes in occupational health (OH); not least the coming into force of the Equality A11-17 issue 100ct 2010, Professor Dame Carol Black’s 2008 review of the health of Britain’s working-age population1, Dr Steve Boorman’s 2009 report on the health and wellbeing of the NHS workforce2, the coming (and going) of the Fit for Work service, the fit note, the aborted merger of the Faculty of Occupational Medicine (FOM) and Society of Occupational Medicine (SOM), a new Faculty of Occupational Health Nursing (FOHN), the establishment of a national OH service accreditation scheme – the Safe Effective Quality Occupational Health Service (SEQOHS) – revalidation of doctors and nurses, legislation to prevent sharps and needlestick injuries, five UK governments, including one coalition, and Brexit….
expert panel: – Black C, Boorman S, Suff R, Hulshof C, Verbeek J, Kloss D, Chavda S, Cone L, Winters S, De Bono A, Bevan S, Coomer K, McGovern P
Author: Ballard J