NEXT COURSE DATES: 2-4 October 2019 – please contact us for details.
From 2019 onwards, this course will be run with the support of Brunel University London.
A practical three-day qualification from The At Work Partnership, which is designed to train occupational health and other professionals, in the theory and practice of case management skills – in order to improve absence management, job retention and return-to-work outcomes.
Course chair: Dr Nerys Williams, occupational physician
Programme highlights
- Making the case for OH case management
- Applying the biopsychosocial model in your OH practice
- Case management in practice
- Effective communication skills
- Difficult cases
- Long-term conditions
- Mental health case management
- Legal framework
How will gaining this qualification benefit you and your organisation?
You will gain:
- A comprehensive understanding of the importance of the role that OH can play as case management coordinator
- A detailed knowledge of the biopsychosocial model and how it can be used to identify obstacles to job retention or return-to-work
- A structured approach to case management, from drawing up return-to-work and job-retention plans, to putting these into practice and evaluating their success
- In-depth comprehension of the theory and practical skills required to manage complex cases, from chronic conditions to mental health
- Guidance on legal obligations
This course will equip you with the theory and practice to improve your case management skills – helping your organisation to reduce the burden of long-term absence by improving return-to-work and job retention outcomes.
Students who successfully complete the assignment will be awarded the Certificate in OH Case Management.
Who is the course designed for?
The course is designed for occupational physicians, occupational health nurses, case managers and people working in OH-related disciplines whose roles encompass case management.

What They Say
“Very valuable … well worth attending for all OH professionals.”
Audrey Hewey, OH Manager, The Metropolitan Police Service
“Good speakers and well structured course that offered practical
advice on enhancing case management.”
Dr John Reynolds, OH Physician
“Excellent course”
Eileen Williams, Senior Specialist OH Practitioner, University Hospitals
Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust