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About this training

In 2006, The At Work Partnership established a five-day course in cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) skills for occupational health professionals. Hundreds of occupational health professionals working in the private sector, and in the NHS and other parts of the public sector, have undertaken this training over the past ten years, and their organisations have benefitted as a result. This is a highly practical qualification, which is designed to equip you with the skills and understanding to apply CBT to the workplace management of common mental health problems, in order to increase staff retention and promote return to work from long-term sickness absence in a cost-effective way.

This highly practical course will provide you with the skills and techniques to apply CBT to:

  • support individuals who have, or are at risk of developing, long-term mental health conditions
  • see measurable improvements in employee well-being as a direct result of your efforts

As a result, your organisation will be able to:

  • reduce mental health related sickness absence in the workplace in a cost-effective and speedy way
  • avoid lengthy waiting times for CBT referrals
  • save money on consultancy fees

About the course tutors

Alan Dovey and Sharon Wilday have been lecturing on this course for many years and have an extensive knowledge of using CBT in an occupational health setting, as well as lecturing in academic establishments.

Alan Dovey and Sharon Wilday are consultant cognitive behavioural psychotherapists and honorary clinical lecturers at the University of Birmingham.

What They Say

“This is without doubt the best course I have been on since I qualified in OH 20 years
ago. It has given me new skills that I can use on an almost daily basis.
It is cost-effective too: A senior manager returned to work 2 weeks after I used a CBT
approach to his sickness absence; before attending the course I suspect he may have
been off work for months. So in effect the course paid for itself before I’ve even finished it!”
Quote from previous delegate

If you have any questions, or wish to discuss the course further please contact us on: or call 0208 344 2328