Read the archive of our monthly Occupational Health [at Work] e-newsletter, which include news, updates and event information. If you don’t currently receive our free OH email newsletter, sign up here

  • July 2023: This month we share news about new standards launched by SEQOHS, the new figures released by the HSE on work-related fatalities, a new report from SOM on burnout amongst healthcare workers and much more.
  • June 2023: The June newsletter featured the interesting results of the last tea-breaker poll on accompanying persons at OH consultations; news on the royal assent of the neonatal care act, the new evidence-based guidelines from the FOM and much more, including a run down of all our upcoming events including Workplace Health 2023.
  • May 2023: The latest issue of the AWP OH Newsletter delved into the Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill, which has been scrapped; a wood dust fine by a London based joinery firm; severe obesity and covid-19 immunity and much more, including some of the topics that will be featured at the upcoming Workplace Health 2023 conference!
  • April 2023: In April’s newsletter, you can read all about the results of the March tea-breaker on the use of pro-forma templates, learn about the new nurse accreditation scheme as well as a new campaign by National Highways to tackle driver fatigue and much more, including a run-down of all our upcoming events and early bird offers!
  • March 2023: In the March issue of the OH newsletter, you can read all about the UK governments plans to improve access to OH, why a director was jailed for h&s failings, the new HSE asbestos campaign, an update on the spring/summer events coming up with The At Work Partnership & much more!
  • February 2023: This months newsletter includes news on the disability employment gap, welding fume, the employment tribunal back log, the At Work Partnership’s 20th year anniversary and much more, including the introduction of a new HAVS course to our event calendar.
  • January 2023: Happy New Year from The At Work Partnership! We kicked off the first issue of 2023 with news on the Growing Occupational Health and Wellbeing Together Strategy from the NHS. The results of the December teabreaker poll were also revealed with contrasting views from a similar poll carried out pre-pandemic, and new statistics from the HSE on work-related ill health – and much more information, news and events!
  • December 2022: The final newsletter of 2022! This issue featured the results of the October teabreaker poll on the 48-hour maximum working week, and update on guidance from the HSE on cold working and further guidance for OH nurses on consent and confidentiality; and much more!
  • November 2022: The penultimate OH Newsletter of 2022 includes an update on the new ICO consultation on employment practices, data protection and information about workers’ health; and new SEQOHS standards as well as an update on the latest events from The At Work Partnership!
  • October 2022: The October newsletter features a new tea breaker poll on the 48-hour maximum working week and has the latest OH news including an update on SEQOHS and a new research fellowship.
  • July 2022: Key highlights of the July newsletter include the interesting results of the June tea-breaker which asked: do we need explicit menopause legislation? This issue also featured an update on the assessments for fitness to drive and the results of a research that looked into thermal screening during the pandemic.
  • June 2022: The June newsletter looks at the new post-registration standards for specialist community public health nurses (SCPHNs), the results of the April tea-breaker poll on government subsidies for OH, the newly published clinical statement on occupational asthma and much more.
  • May 2022: The May newsletter takes a look at a number of issues affecting OH from the Queen’s speech, why well-being in the workplace isn’t working and much more
  • April 2022: The April newsletter features a new April tea-breaker poll question, as well as the results of the March poll, information about a new guideline on managing mental wellbeing in the workplace and much more
  • March 2022: The March Newsletter featured part 2 of the findings from the Occupational Health [at Work] Pay & Benefits Survey 2022; it also highlighted news on new guidance on long COVID, a £90,000 HAVS fine and new research from the Institute of Employment Studies on ‘Working with cancer’.
  • February 2022: Key highlights of the February issue included the announcement of part 1 of the results from our OH pay and benefits survey. It also detailed news of the government revoking legislation that required all health and social care staff in England to be double vaccinated.
  • January 2022: The first issue of 2022 featured the December tea breaker results which revealed divided opinions on the COVID vaccine status of employees, FOM guidance on mandatory COVID vaccinations, new statistics on work-related ill health, temporary relaxation of fit note rules and more.
  • December 2021: The Christmas issue of OH [at Work]’s newsletter brought to you the results of the November tea breaker poll on enforcing OH breaches, news of the new working minds campaign, an update on long COVID and much more!
  • November 2021: The November newsletter features news on chronic fatigue syndrome, new guidance on noise at work and ventilation during the pandemic as well as interesting legal cases on a cannabis dismissal and a school academy breaching health & safety regulations.
  • October 2021: Key highlights include a look at an employment tribunal claim about indirect disability discrimination, an update on advice on carrying out health surveillance during the pandemic, a digital toolkit to help support employees living with obesity and how the effect of receiving gratitude impacts work engagement.
  • September 2021: Features include an analysis of SEQOHS, an update on the mandatory vaccinations for staff in healthcare, guidance for employers to manage the health risks of workers who drive and much more.
  • June 2021: This issue includes mandatory vaccines for care home workers, a look at post-COVID-19 syndrome, the announcement of the launch of a fellowship scheme for physicians and the guidance from the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland on women affected by menopause.
  • May 2021: This issue reveals the results of the April tea-breaker which asked about mandatory vaccinations for health and social care staff, a study on doctors who are considering leaving the NHS due to overwork and stress, new guidance from the HSE on providing hand sanitisers for their workforce and the long term effects of a disability.
  • April 2021: Highlights of the April issue include non-binary discrimination, a £500,000 HAVS fine, a look at whether the COVID-19 guidelines outdated and no longer fit for purpose, the domestic abuse bill and SCPHN standards.
  • March 2021: The March issue looks at supporting disabled employees to get back work, advice on how to talk to workers about COVID-19, advice for employers on shielding and protecting individuals who are clinically vulnerable and much more.
  • February 2021: Features include furloughing shielding workers, the mental health consequences of intensive work, disinfecting premises during the pandemic, and returning to work after depression.
  • January 2021: We kick off the new year with the results of our December tea breaker poll on COVID-19 vaccinations amongst OH professionals. This issue also looks at lockdown rules, mental health concerns in a pandemic and the stance of the trade union USDAW on vaccinations for teachers and shop workers.
  • December 2020: This issue takes a look at numerous articles on COVID-19 including long COVID, chronic fatigue syndrome, face masks against COVID-19 and occupationally acquired COVID-19. Also read about the results from the November tea-breaker survey.
  • November 2020: This issue reveals figures from Business in the Community on work-related mental health problems and puts forward new guidance for employers to deal with domestic abuse and decision making and consent. Find out about extensions of First Aid at Work certificates here.
  • October 2020: This month’s issue reveals tea-breaker poll results on remote health surveillance, the HSE’s updates on face-to-face health surveillance, and new advice on face masks. View results of research into national depression during the pandemic and of drug use for chronic pain.
  • September 2020: Features include tea-breaker poll results of how many OH practitioners approve of the government’s role in the UK’s return to work during the pandemic and figures of fatal work injuries from the HSE. This month has seen publications of guidance for nursing staff dealing with vaccinations during the pandemic, and our new Hand-Arm vibration syndrome book.
  • June 2020:  The June issue looks at working safely during the COVID-19 pandemic, PPE, immunity passports, return-to-work risk assessment and evidence of disability.  And, we ask your opinion on the UK government’s strategy so far for getting the UK workforce back to work.
  • May 2020:  Highlights of the May issue include the results of our survey on the COVID-19 concerns of OH professionals, a RTW toolkit, an update on disciplinary and grievance procedures, as well as the results of our tea breaker poll on ‘Fit notes’.
  • March 2020: Key highlights include a look at the COVID-19 pandemic – the help and guidance available for OH professionals, how to support disabled employees through the virus pandemic, a look at an occupational asthma case, guidance for supporting employees experiencing menopause at work and much more…
  • February 2020: In this issue we ask your opinion on ‘Fit notes’ in our tea-breaker poll, we look at the coronavirus and the risk to healthcare workers, online guidance on welding fume and the role of occupational health in climate change
  • January 2020: The first issue of 2020 includes: NHS staff absence research, new technical guidance on harassment at work from The Equality and Human Rights Commission, Mental Health costs to employers, workplace exposure limits, date announcement for Workplace Health 2020 and the Certificate in Managing Mental Health at Work and much more.
  • December 2019: This issue includes: the results of the October tea-breaker poll on whether an employee’s right to disconnect from work should be legislated, John Ballard argues that organisational approaches to burnout should focus on addressing its causes rather than trying to fix the symptoms, the HSE has published guidance for the control of occupational exposure to welding fume following the 2018 publication of scientific evidence suggesting that exposure to mild-steel welding fume can cause lung and possibly kidney cancer in humans, a rundown of the events coming up in 2020 and much more.
  • November 2019: Key highlights include: Statistics from the HSE reveal that nearly half a million (497,000) workers in Britain were made ill by their work in 2018/19, the Office of National Statistics conducted research that highlighted how many days were lost due to sickness or injury in 2018, we take a look at an independent report by the General Medical Council that highlights an urgent need to address the well being of doctors faced with heavy workloads and high risk of burnout.
  • October 2019: In this issue we asked for your thoughts on whether employees should have the right to disconnect in our tea-breaker poll, we looked at a case where the Employment Appeal tribunal overturned a decision of an employment tribunal (ET) that an employee off sick with depression caused by work-related stress was not disabled because his condition was not long-term, updated guidelines from the UK Chief Medical Officers emphasising the importance of people building strength and balance as well as focusing on cardiovascular exercise.
  • September 2019: Coverage includes: a study suggests that night work increases the risk of miscarriage, a local authority is fined after a number of employees developed hand-arm vibration syndrome, revised guidance from Public Health England states that social care and hospice providers should provide flu jabs for staff directly involved in patient care, a case of colour vision discrimination in the police force and much more.
  • July 2019: The June issue highlighted the results of the June tea-breaker poll, a look at a company specialising in the design and installation of playground equipment failed to provide adequate control measures to prevent exposure of employees to respirable crystalline silica, the announcement of the new Chief Executive of HSE, a look at the government proposals for reducing ill-health related job loss following a health and safety consultation and a run down of the events for the latter half of the year.
  • June 2019: Highlights include: The results of the April tea-breaker poll on whether there should be an upper age-limit on bus and lorry drivers, results revealed from the 19th annual health and well being at work survey by the CIPD, a study by The Institute for Employment Studies reveals the lack of understanding about epilepsy and its implications for work, the HSE has announced a series of inspections targeting dust control across key industries, including construction, woodworking and food manufacturing which start in June and a guide for line managers on managing mental health at work.
  • April 2019: Coverage includes: a rise in the maximum cash grants available for workers with a disability, a CIPD survey reveals how negative effects on work are experienced by female employees going through the menopause, and general health checks reported to have adverse effects on health improvements. Moreover, guidance has been published for doctors on discussing work and work modifications with their patients.
  • March 2019: Key highlights include: new requirements detailed on health surveillance checks, discover the Department of Health and Social Care plan on providing improved mental health support for NHS staff, and US studies highlight benefits in becoming active in middle age. Explore how poor sleep affects the UK economy and solutions which can be executed.
  • February 2019: View the conflicting opinions expressed in last month’s tea breaker poll, where two in five of OH professionals agreed the HSE should carry out targeted inspections of employers’ mental health risk assessments. A correlation has been found in increasing paid holiday and the decrease of depression in white women in the US. Guidance has been issued by Acas on steps to avoiding workplace age discrimination, and by Public Health England on managing and promoting health at work.
  • January 2019: REACH requirements for nanoparticle use has been revised and amended, the GMB union urges employers to train staff on how to support those facing domestic abuse after a reveal of deplorable statistics in the UK, and HSE has developed an online indicator to automatically generate reports about work-related stress to indicate areas for management action.
  • December 2018:  Highlights include: HSE statistics suggest there is a higher number of workplace-caused mental health illnesses than workplace-caused injuries, a survey has discovered lamentable statistics of retail workplace violence, and read the second part of The At Work Partnership’s exclusive analysis of the pay and benefits of occupational health professionals, available now.
  • November 2018: Last month’s tea breaker poll results indicates that less than half of OH professionals believe enough has been done in ten years to achieve the objectives of Dianne Carol Black’s review – view the conflicting views of respondents, analysis and full report here. Moreover, this month has seen an update in the Nursing and Midwifery Code and the HSE list of Workplace Exposure Limits. Statistics and guidance released on occupational asthma.
  • October 2018: Key features include: the release of guidelines from NICE on increasing influenza vaccination uptakes in healthcare staff in the UK after NHS chiefs express concerns, the HSE reports and offers advice to schools supplied with Bunsen burner gauze equipment containing asbestos, and the government has passed a law of a new Parental Bereavement Act in September for execution in 2020.
  • September 2018: Coverage includes allocated government funding to test approaches to helping people with mental health or musculoskeletal conditions manage to stay in work, a noted decrease in sickness absences since 2008, and the release of a toolkit for employer management of drugs, alcohol and tobacco in the workplace by Business in the Community.
  • July 2018: Key features include: Studies from the HSE revealing different rates of fatal injuries in the workplace between genders, practical guidance for employers on how to support employees with disabilities, and a report by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work indicating that exposure of workers to psychosocial risks is increasing.
  • June 2018: Highlights include: The pressing need to address the issue of lower back pain in the workplace, a report from EU-OSHA exploring how to encourage and support employees who are cancer survivors, and guidance published by NICE on managing Lyme disease.
  • May 2018: Results of a tea-breaker poll investigating preparation for the GDPR within OH, a recent study from MIND exploring poor mental health at work, and HAVS fine for housing association case.
  • April 2018: Coverage includes: Results from the March tea-breaker poll highlights that many OH professionals believe HSE should produce guidance on appropriate levels of OH provision, research analysis of long-term sickness absence causes, and global shortage of HBV vaccine reported and its impact on OH.
  • March 2018: Pregnancy discrimination and a case of dismissal, guidance on how to obtain and support a neurodiverse workforce, and research conducted on absence depicting barriers to increasing occupational welfare.
  • February 2018: Key headlines include: Analysis of a tea-breaker poll regarding human resources and OH, a recent case of disability discrimination in the workplace, and the regulation of £500 tax exemption for OH recommended medical treatments, despite the government’s abandonment of the assessment part of the FfW.
  • January 2018: Results of a study on managing menopause symptoms at work, updates on parental leave and H&S inspections, and a report of a significant increase in work-related stress within the NHS.
  • December 2017: Results of our tea breaker poll on confidentiality and consent , and looks at scrapping of part of the Fit for Work service, mental health, and disability at work.
  • November 2017: Key features: Latest HSE statistics on work-related illness, campain for maternity protection against redundancy, and consultation on reforming the regulation of all nine UK healthcare professions.
  • October 2017:  The FOHN/AOHNP merger, guidance from ACAS about sensitive conversations about mental health guidance, back pain and sciatica, and the new Faculty of Asbestos Assessment and Management.
  • September 2017:  Looks at manufacturing absence rates, flu vaccine effectiveness and mental health guidance.
  • July 2017:  Results of our tea breaker poll on whether occupational health should become fully integrated into the NHS, the Taylor Review and revised guidance from the DVLA on assessing fitness to drive.
  • June 2017:  Results of our tea breaker poll on which healthcare professionals should be allowed to complete fit notes, latest absence statistics, the case for investing in OH, and health clearance for emergency healthcare workers.
  • May 2017:  Active commuting, obituary to Professor Gordon Waddell, recent asbestos prosecution and risky alcohol consumption at retirement.
  • April 2017: FOHN update; fit note certification; suicide prevention; and PPE for women.
  • March 2017: Fit note poll; GMC confidentiality; face-to-face v remote consultations; and yoga v CBT for stress.
  • February 2017: NICE back pain and sciatica guide; health, shift work and insufficient sleep; and gender pay gap reporting.
  • January 2017: Age discrimination, European working conditions survey, and GMC guidance on confidentiality.
  • December 2016: CPD Personal Learning Zone, CIPD absence survey, and nurse suspended for concealing Cafferkey’s temperature.
  • November 2016: Occupational medicine workforce crisis, mental health at work and green paper on work, health and disability.
  • October 2016:  Ageing workforce, most workers would not disclose stress, and the state of occupational health nursing.
  • September 2016: Brexit and OH, NICE on health and wellbeing at work and Legionnaires’ prosecution.
  • July 2016: OH practitioners’ pay, working with arthritis, and bullying in the NHS.
  • June 2016: Sharps and needlesticks, disability employment gap, and presenteeism.
  • May 2016: Healthy workplaces across Europe, occupational Zika guidance and older drivers at work.
  • March 2016: Vicarious liability, increase in compensation rates at tribunal, and construction health survey.
  • February 2016: CIPD calls for more action on wellbeing, workplace violence in the retail sector, and occupational hearing loss.
  • January 2016: Sickness absence triggers, doctors in training at risk of depression, and HSE’s five-year strategy

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The e-mail newsletter from Occupational Health [at Work] provides a monthly summary of some of the important occupational health developments. Each month, it is sent to over to 3550 occupational physicians, occupational health nurses and occupational health managers, as well as people in other professions, such as HR, who have responsibility for occupational health.


The cost of advertising a job vacancy, course or service in the email newsletter is as follows:

Main rates: £300 + VAT
Academic rates: £250 + VAT
For more information, or to book, please contact us.